Feb 28, 2010

4 Ninos Group

By Mary J. Fruin

       We just had a group of three families, similar to us in many ways, come all the way from central Canada to help build a comedor infantil (a feeding kitchen for poor children). It was a huge blessing not only to the directors of the comedor and the children that go to eat there, but also to us.

       It was an interesting project because the mission board required that the building must be able to be dismantled, put it on a truck, and hauled away at any time. The building is 16' x 32' and is built entirely out of 4' x 8' panels bolted together. Floor, walls, roof, and all! It was a lot of work both designing and building it. The group were lovely people and hard workers. Even though many of them were young, everyone worked together and got the building built in two weeks.
       During the second week some of us did a small VBS for the children that attend there, with crafts, stories, games, and singing. Everyone had great fun! Each day we also ate with the children and enjoyed Dolores' (the director's) wonderful, traditional Mexican food! The group not only brought money down for the building and supplies for the VBS, they also brought with them money so the children could eat a full meal every day they were here. They were a blessing to all.

       They came over to our house for their second to last evening in Mexico. It was a wonderful time of fellowship with christian brothers and sisters. That night we said a sad goodbye, but with the hope of seeing them again the following year.

       It was a very encouraging couple of weeks filled with hard work, lots of laughter and singing, and a lot of hot sun on the construction site.

       Click here to view the photos from the cultural day - thefruins.shutterfly.com.
       Click here to view the photos from the construction project - thefruins.shutterfly.com